I went for a walk yesterday in the evening, cold and clear and the light was magnificent and is there for a little bit longer. We are slowly moving upwards again, out of the deepest dark (and wet), first spring flowers show up and Tuis make evening noises.
I have been very much in a place of Stillness over the last weeks, where there seems to be so little movement and yet is it so potent, this time of quiet inner listening and trusting into the process of organic unfolding. Each of us holds the blueprint of this eternal master plan and just needs to trust like a plant seed that we will grow into what we have been destined for – without struggle or doubt.
5Rhythms Dance has now for more then 20 years always put me back on track, has somehow always taken me beyond the place of doubt and fear into a deep inner knowing of being connected to a greater force. Not always without struggle, not always easy but always reliable and healing.
Gabrielle Roth says:
” When I dance, there is this place that I get to where I, Gabrielle, disappear. In that place there is no effort. I am tuned into everything. That place is the rhythm of stillness, where you are inside the movement. This is the place where all the contraries dissolve, and movement and stillness become one energy. That still point is a place of deep inner peace, but where everything is in motion – just moving at a different speed. It is a paradox , of course, but everything is the seed of its apparent opposite.
When you get to that place, you have moved into that transitional world where all polarities disappear.”
Maybe you have experienced this place, maybe you are curious about it, maybe you have a deep yearning for it…then join us for:
STILL MOVING, August 6-8 @ Mana Retreat Centre,
because this workshop offers you a unique encounter of this place inside your dancing spirit. Each step of your weekend journey serves to relax you, to let your spirit soak in the warmth of surrender, to let go the whirl of the demands of daily living and to nurture your being as you are nestled safely and deeply within winters mantle.
A rich and relaxing combination of Yoga (skillfully taught by Neal Ghoshal) and 5Rhythms Dance can take you to this place where you will be tapping into something that is at once deeply sacred and personal while being universal. You will leave energized and invigorated with the seed of stillness planted firmly in you to help you meet the energy of the emerging spring and summer.
Be part of this special event and book your favorite room at Mana now on www.manaretreat.com
with love and gratitude, Christina
“Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and vocabulary. all that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for” – Hopi elders