In the past few weeks on this dark side of the earth, in the potentcy of the winter solstice, have you noticed yourself going inside…reflecting into the internal quieter corners of yourself…the warmer cosier snugglier corners of the house…maybe even the spicier, soupier recipes cooking on your stove.
A potent time to turn our attention in, towards the inspiration of whatever is alive on the inside. What stirs in the deepness of the pause?
The mystery of stillness reveals itself when we turn our presence towards the pause. That vital fullness inside the empty space, between each breath, between each action. Just like a seed in the Earth, just like the sun beginning its return, we gather our energy for the next wave.
Dancing The Waves in Raglan and Paekakariki
Not long now until I am back home teaching in Raglan and Paekakariki… there are still spaces on both workshops, everybody is welcome and I would love you to join us as we warm up the dance floor. A brilliant opportunity to move with and through any wintery contracting, stiffening, sticking…lets make some space for our inner inspiration and the beginning of a new cycle!