Geordie Jahner, Ph.D. reflects on the Map of the 5Rhythms® work:
1) Waves: Physical Freedom
In Waves level work we concentrate on experiencing and embodying the basics of the physical practice, investigating the specific medicine inherent within each of the five rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. We also explore the light and shadow sides of each rhythm.
2) Heartbeat: Emotional Freedom
In Heartbeat work we explore how each rhythm can be a gateway into a specific emotional field:
- Flowing can be a gateway to an investigation of Fear
- Staccato can catalyze and support an investigation of Anger
- Chaos catalyzes and supports the experience of Sadness
- Lyrical catalyzes and supports an investigation of Joy
- Stillness catalyzes and supports an investigation of Compassion
‘Heartbeat’ work helps us integrate our emotional expression into our dance practice and in our lives. Heartbeat weekend workshops led by Geordie explore how we can use our dance to creatively process emotions as they arise, welcoming them as powerful allies in this amazing experience of human being-ness.
3) Cycles: Psychological Freedom
In Cycles level work we use the platform of the 5Rhythms to explore the various developmental stages of our individual learning and growth. We see that each rhythm provides a gateway to a specific developmental cycle or phase of life.
- Flowing supports an investigation of our experiences of conception, pregnancy and birth and how they live on in our bodies and in our dance
- Staccato supports an investigation of our personal and universal experiences of early childhood
- Chaos supports an investigation of our defining experiences as adolescents
- Lyrical supports an investigation of our personal and universal experiences as maturing adults
- Stillness supports an investigation of our personal and universal experiences of aging and death
4) Mirrors: Freedom From Mind
In Mirrors work we use our dance practice to explore the personalities and core beliefs our small self is wrapped around, witnessing our habitual responses to core wounds and strategies, and using ritual theater to support the process of dis-identification from limiting egoic structures.
5) Silver Desert: Home Free
In Silver Desert we return to the breath, reconnect with source, and explore our relationship with the divine through movement and meditation as we revel in stillness and silence.
For much more information on the 5Rhythms Dance work of Gabrielle Roth please visit