In this workshop we will use movement to explore the medicine and metaphor of the “Lyrical” rhythm to awaken and embody the soul – the mysterious and magical self that unites body, heart and mind. Through the exploration of this rhythm, we uncover the “Power of Seeing”: seeing the difference between the self that is imprisoned by our conditioning, and our true nature in which we use our experiences as artists materials, to create ourselves as inspiring, living , moving breathing works of art and influence in our world. The rhythm teaches us how to become creators of our own reality.
The rhythm of Stillness is where we integrate what we have awakened and moved through the other rhythms, in our body, heart mind and soul. It is where we find healing, our sense of wholeness – our connection to our life-force, our still point. It is where we land after dancing a wave and is from here we enter our next dance. It is a transcendent and exquisite place. The texture and quality of our experience in stillness is in direct relation to how we engage with and move through the first four rhythms. In this workshop we fully engage in all the rhythms in the exploration of the medicine and metaphor of Stillness.
Alex Rodriguez has worked extensively in educational, personal development, addiction and trauma recovery settings, and health and social policy projects throughout her working life. For Alex, 5Rhythms provides a simple, healing path to joy, vitality, and increasing fullness of expression. It is a “state of the art” vehicle to take us wherever we want to go.