I went for a walk yesterday in the evening, cold and clear and the light was magnificent and is there for a little bit longer. We are slowly moving upwards again, out of the deepest dark (and wet), first spring flowers show up and Tuis make evening noises. I have been very much in a place of … [Read more...]
Riding the Waves
Sacha Paddy writes... The change feels like it has finally come here in Auckland/Waiheke, the winds have picked up, even a little much needed rain, the seas are choppy and changeable, and I’ve started wearing socks again. The summer felt eternal this year and I must admit I am enjoying the relief … [Read more...]
A Holiday Wave by Sacha Paddy
Up north on holiday with my family, a lovely big noisy bunch of sisters, their partners and children, and my mother at an old bach by the water. I sleep in my tent for a bit of night time peace and quiet. Waking in the STILLNESS of the morning, all is calm and slow, gentle water lapping on … [Read more...]
Dance - Dec 2006 Now speaks the language of the soul Weaving my body into endless turning circles Frenzied fire sizzles and arcs along my sinews Inside, my belly roars The fearsome heat of agony I die in spiral I drown in grief A great liquid wave Deep and dark by loubird … [Read more...]
Thank you…beautiful connections
Beautiful connections today that I want to honour. To be seen and held in your awareness for a moment my friends, that moment becomes so satisfying , stepping out of time, and into the preciousness of Now. This state of transformation, that takes me over, so joyful and liberating, is not only for me … [Read more...]
Returning Home
Geordie Jahner writes... Dear Dancing Friends, Spring rains and new growth…veggie gardens, new projects, and a whole new chapter. Letting go of a life that I created in Maui over these past 21 years has made for a powerfully transformative winter/summer. Add to this the experience of letting go … [Read more...]
Ingrid writes: I just want to express my Gratitude to my friends and teachers Sacha and Neal and Christina (whom currently is visiting in Europe) for the passion you bring into this practice of dancing and meditating and creating a tribe and a community which I observe with excitement spreading all … [Read more...]